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Financial Planning

We aim to empower you with the tools, knowledge, and insight needed to confidently navigate your financial future. Think of us as your partners in financial planning, working together to create a customized blueprint that reflects your values, priorities, and aspirations.

Live your life by design, not by default.

Seemingly gone are the days of company provided pensions and retiree medical benefits.  Now you, the employee, assume the investment and longevity risk.  And with medical costs soaring, more and more of your retirement savings could be going towards healthcare costs.

People are living longer than ever.  Advances in medicine and healthcare are leading to longer life expectancies, meaning your future quality of life can be even better.  You can be more active, able to do and experience more things, however, this costs money.

How do you draw income from your investments?  When should you take Social Security?  Will Social Security be there for you throughout your retirement?  What happens if you or a loved one needs long-term medical care?  These are just some of the financial planning questions that we can help you answer.

The Modus Operandi

  1. Discover
    Discuss your current situation and objectives to see if we’re a good fit.
  2. Design

    Design efficient strategies to help you achieve your objectives.

  3. Implement
    A plan only works if you execute it.  Let’s put it into action to help you work towards your goals.
  4. Adjust
    A great plan needs adjusting too. We'll fine tune it to keep you on track.
Dennis Coon

"Financial planning is not a one-time event. It's a continuous process that adapts to your changing life and goals. This ongoing journey of improvement keeps things interesting and ensures you're always on the path to greater financial well-being."

Dennis Coon, Founder